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🫶🏻 寵愛媽咪 🫰🏻 母親節優惠 👩🏻‍🍼,尚餘
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📍門市地點 : 旺角︱灣仔︱深水埗︱觀塘︱葵芳︱沙田 (點按了解詳情)

🫶🏻 寵愛媽咪 🫰🏻 母親節優惠 👩🏻‍🍼,尚餘
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📍門市地點 : 旺角︱灣仔︱深水埗︱觀塘︱葵芳︱沙田 (點按了解詳情)

🫶🏻 寵愛媽咪 🫰🏻 母親節優惠 👩🏻‍🍼,尚餘
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9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
dCS Bartók (Bartok) 串流解碼連耳擴

dCS Bartók (Bartok) 串流解碼連耳擴

- APEX版本 -

2024-05-19T16:00:00.000+00:00截止 全店,購物滿 HK$1,500 送 $50 超市現金禮券 (每單一消費最多可獲得 3 張) <現金禮券只限經順豐出貨附送,門市自取不適用>

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指定分類,購物滿 $300 以 PayMe / 八達通 (Octopus) / 銀行轉帳 / FPS轉數快 付款可享額外 2% 折扣 [指定產品/部份優惠產品例外]

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Bartók「巴爾托克」所配備的簡約線條面板,顯然留有同門《羅西尼》Rossini 系列影子,高達 37 磅的體重相比坊間炙手可熱的一體化播放機甚有過之而無不及,全因其雙重支架機身分別由多塊預先動用 CNC 電腦數控車床進行切割的航天級鋁材組裝而成,所有組件在出廠前將會進行英國品牌 dCS 最為人樂道的銀白或黑色陽極處理加工,既能提升視覺效果,還可防止氧化。

Product Features


Bartók「巴爾托克」其中一項最能切合新世代發燒用家所需的功能,正是發展更成熟,音效表現出眾的串流音樂播放系統,用家只需配合 UPnP 播放平台和自家編寫操控 App,便可透過內聯網直接播放儲存在 NAS 內的音樂檔案,同時能享受 TIDAL™、Spotify™ 及 Deezer™ 等線上音樂供應商所提供的高清串流音樂服務,至於蘋果產品用家更可借助 Airplay™ 進行無線串流播放。此外,Bartók 不但支援 Roon™,還可解讀 MQA™ 編碼,締造截然不同靚聲新體驗。


正如先前所言,Bartók 將會同時推出兩個版本,除了針對傳統兩聲道發燒用家而設的基本型號,dCS 工程團隊還專誠在它的前障板,裝上 4 針 XLR 及 6.35mm TRS 接駁端子,並在機內加裝一套輸出功率可達 1.4 Wrms (33Ω 負載) 水平,享有獨立供電配套的高保真耳擴線路,讓 Bartók 成為巿場上其中一台搭載串流、最強解碼及耳擴功能的超級靚聲武器。全新編寫的操作介面,容許用家把耳擴線路的輸出電平預設在 0dB、-10dB、-20dB 或 -30dB 範疇,加上極度精密的無損耗數碼音控裝置配合下,協助發揮不同匹配阻抗設計的耳機潛能。

名震天下 Ring DAC™ 數 / 模切換系統

Bartók 的數碼環節用上了源於同門《羅西尼》Rossini 系列,以 R2R 模式工作 dCS Ring DAC™ 數 / 模切換系統,締造非比尋常 5 Bit 解像力,其操作核心同樣選用 Xilinx 高效能 Artix-7 FPGA,配合自家編寫,效果備受推崇的多段式 DXD 超取樣、DSD / DXD 升頻和 10 種濾波功能,讓用家自行調校喜好音色。

Digital Inputs

Network interface on an RJ45 connector – acts as a UPnP™ renderer in Asynchronous mode, streaming digital music from a NAS or local computer over a standard Ethernet network, decoding all major lossless formats including FLAC, WAV & AIFF at up to 24 bit 384kS/s native sample rate, plus DSD/64 & DSD/128 in DFF/DSF format. Other formats include WMA, ALAC, MP3, AAC & OGG. Some formats are limited to lower sample rates. Supports Apple AirPlay at 44.1 or 48kS/s. Network Loop Out connector on a second RJ45 connector. USB 2.0 interface on a B-type connector operating in Asynchronous mode, will accept up to 24 bit PCM at up to 384kS/s plus DSD/64 & DSD/128 in DoP format. Operates in Class 1 or 2 mode. USB-on-the-go interface on type A connector operating in Asynchronous mode, streams digital music from a flash drive at up to 24 bit 384kS/s plus DSD/64. 2x AES/EBU on 3-pin female XLR connectors. Each will accept PCM at up to 24 bit 192kS/s or DSD/128 in DoP format. Used as a Dual AES pair, it will accept PCM at up to 384kS/s, DSD/64 & DSD/128 in DoP format or dCS-encrypted DSD. 2x SPDIF on 1x RCA Phono and 1x BNC connectors. Each will accept PCM at up to 24 bit 192kS/s or DSD/64 in DoP format. 1x SPDIF optical on a Toslink connector will accept PCM at up to 24 bit 96kS/s

Analogue Outputs

Output levels: 0.2, 0.6, 2V or 6V rms for full-scale input, set in the menu. Balanced outputs: 1 stereo pair on 2x 3-pin XLR male connectors. These outputs are electronically balanced and floating. Output impedance is 3Ω, maximum load is 600Ω (10k-100kΩ is recommended). Unbalanced outputs: 1 stereo pair on 2x RCA phono connectors. Output impedance is 52Ω, maximum load is 600Ω (10k-100kΩ is recommended).

Headphone Outputs

1 stereo balanced pair on 1x 4-way male XLR connector. 1 stereo unbalanced pair on 1x 6.35mm (1/4”) 3-pole jack. Full-scale output levels are 1.4W rms into 33Ω, 0.15W rms into 300Ω. Output levels are 0, -10, -20, -30dB, set in the menu. Minimum headphone impedance is 33Ω.

Wordclock I/Oworldclock Io

2x Word Clock Inputs on 2x BNC connectors, accept standard word clock at 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4 or 192kHz. The data rate can be the same as the clock rate or an exact multiple of the clock rate. Sensitive to TTL levels. Word Clock Output on 1x BNC connector. In Master mode, a TTL-compatible word clock appears on this output.


Full decoding and rendering of MQA data from the Network and USB2 inputs. Final rendering of unfolded MQA data only from the other inputs.

Residual Noise

24-bit data: Better than –113dB0, 20Hz - 20kHz unweighted. (6V output setting)


PCM mode: up to 6 filters give different trade-offs between the Nyquist image rejection and the phase response.

DSD mode: 4 filters progressively reduce out-of-audio band noise level.

Software Updates: Download and update functionality available via Mosaic App

Local Control: dCS Mosaic app for unit configuration and playback. RS232 interface (controlled by a 3rd party automation system). dCS Universal IR remote control is available as an optional extra.

General Specification
Type 種類
L R Crosstalk 左右聲道干擾
Better than -115dB0, 20Hz – 20kHz
Spurious Responses 雜訊響應
Better than -105dB0, 20Hz – 20kHz
Conversions 轉換
DXD as standard or optional DSD upsampling
Power Supply 電源
Factory set to either 100, 115/120, 220 or 230/240V AC 50/60Hz.
Power Consumption 功率
30 Watts typical / 50 Watts maximum.
Dimensions 體積
Weight 重量
444mm x 430mm x 115mm (Allow extra depth for cable connectors.)


  • 香港住宅或工商地區直送 (經順豐速運)
  • DMAG - DMA X ENCORE X URBAN TECH 合作企劃店 觀塘駱駝漆門市 - 自取 <超市現金禮券只限經順豐出貨附送,門市自取不適用>
  • DMA 旺角星際城市門市 - 自取 <超市現金禮券只限經順豐出貨附送,門市自取不適用>
  • DMA 灣仔電腦城門市 - 自取 <超市現金禮券只限經順豐出貨附送,門市自取不適用>
  • DMA 深水埗高登門市 - 自取 <超市現金禮券只限經順豐出貨附送,門市自取不適用>
  • DMA 葵芳新都會門市 - 自取 <超市現金禮券只限經順豐出貨附送,門市自取不適用>
  • DMA 沙田新城市門市 - 自取 <超市現金禮券只限經順豐出貨附送,門市自取不適用>
  • URBAN TECH 旺角星際城市門市 - 自取 <超市現金禮券只限經順豐出貨附送,門市自取不適用>
  • URBAN TECH 灣仔電腦城門市 - 自取 <超市現金禮券只限經順豐出貨附送,門市自取不適用>
  • 不適用


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