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AKG N9 Hybrid 頭戴式降噪無線耳機

AKG N9 Hybrid 頭戴式降噪無線耳機

全店,網上購物消費滿 $250 即免順豐運費 (本地及澳門適用)

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全店,買滿 $5,000 即送台灣 HELIOPTO 隨身空氣清淨機 <數量有限,送完即止>

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與 2.4GHz USB-C 轉接器和 BT 無縫連接

將智慧型的 USB-C 轉接器輕鬆插入耳罩中(內含 USB-A 連接器),安裝在任何裝置中,即時無縫連接。多點連線可讓您在手機通話和桌上型電腦上的Zoom 會議之間輕鬆切換,而 Google Fast Pair 和 Microsoft Swift Pair 則可讓您在連接多個裝置時獲得流暢的體驗。 AKG N9 Hybrid 頭戴式耳機透過 Bluetooth® 與任何 Apple、安卓或 Windows 裝置連接。

高解析品質的 AKG 聲音   

40mm 動圈驅動單元採用液晶聚合物 (LCP) 薄膜,可提供廣泛的細節和出色的動態音效,具有超低失真和快速的瞬態響應。低音渾厚精確,人聲清晰準確,高音生動逼真。 此外,AKG N9 Hybrid 頭戴式耳機還透過 3.5mm 插孔線纜和 BT 無線支援高解析音訊。 LDAC 可確保出色的 24 位元高品質音效,清晰展現所有細節,比以往任何時候都更接近錄音室音質。

沉浸式 AKG 立體音效 

除了強大的 AKG 參考音效之外,AKG N9 Hybrid 頭戴式耳機還可將任何裝置的任何立體聲內容轉換為虛擬環繞音效。樂器和人聲的廣闊聲場和精準的位置讓您喜歡的音樂聽起來更具穿透性,帶來更精準、真實和身臨其境的體驗。


高品質真自適應降噪技術可在應用程式內自訂,精準確定您希望感知外部世界的程度。自動補償功能讓六個麥克風自動偵測環境噪音並進行即時調整。 或者可以手動選擇理想的 ANC 降噪電平。 當您不想中斷聲音時,抗噪功能會自動適應您周圍的噪音水平,完全屏蔽環境噪音。

出色的 Zoom 認證通話質量

4 個虛擬自適應波束成形麥克風(每個耳罩 2 個)持續監測環境的噪音水平,確保他人在通話或視訊會議時僅聽到您的聲音。 AI 機器學習根據您的個人噪音場景智慧地抑制環境噪音。流體動力防風設計可顯著減少空氣摩擦造成的失真,即使在戶外也能為您帶來清晰的通話體驗。 AKG N9 Hybrid 頭戴式耳機獲得了 Zoom 認證,利用這個領先的視訊會議應用程式確保高品質通話和全功能相容。轉接器上的 LED 指示燈可即時顯示您是否處於靜音狀態。


打開 AKG Headphones APP 應用程序,根據會議、演示、甚至是表演場景,使用語音設定微調自己的聲音。您也可以使用聲音設定在他人的聲音中添加更多低音或高音。 聲級優化器可以調整他人的音量,因此您不必要求他人提高音量或告訴對方說話聲音太大。最後,語音感知功能會微調您說話時聽到的人聲音量,從而不會因為在擁擠的咖啡廳或地鐵車廂裡大聲說話而打擾他人。


當您開始說話時,聲音將自動暫停,因此可以戴著耳機輕鬆與他人對話。 (不提供 2.4GHz 連接)


超輕量頭帶和柔軟的耳罩佩戴舒適,讓您每天都享受更清晰、純淨、不失真的聲音。不使用隨附的 USB 轉接器時,它都會整齊地貼合在左耳罩中——絕不會放錯位置,隨時觸手可及。 轉動耳罩旋鈕可輕鬆控制音量。


使用 AKG Headphones 應用程式為電影、音樂和遊戲快速設定逼真的聲音。此外,您還可以自訂音訊聊天設置,調整想要聽到的環境聲音量,並使用 Personi-Fi 2.0 設定自訂聽力程式。


每日充電一次即可滿足整日暢聽需求。 AKG N9 Hybrid 在 Bluetooth® 狀態下(ANC 關閉)的播放時間長達 100 小時,利用 USB-C 轉接器技術(ANC 關閉),播放時間長達 85 小時。


  • 驅動單元:40 mm 動圈驅動單元
  • 耳機重量:281g
  • 充電時間:從電量耗盡需 3 小時
  • 主動降噪關閉時音樂播放時間:100 小時
  • 主動降噪開啟時音樂播放時間:55 小時
  • 開啟主動降噪時的通話時間:30 小時
  • 關閉主動降噪時的通話時間:35 小時
  • 頻率響應:10 Hz – 40 kHz
  • 阻抗:32 歐姆
  • 靈敏度:98 dB SPL@1 kHz
  • 麥克風靈敏度:-38 dBV/Pa@1 kHz
  • 藍牙版本:5.3
  • 藍牙規格版本:A2DP V1.4, AVRCP V1.6.2, HFP V1.8

Seamless connectivity with 2.4GHz USB-C dongle and BT
Plug the smart USB-C dongle conveniently stored in the ear cup
(USB-A connector is included), in any device for instant and seamless
connection. The multi-point connection lets you easily switch
between a call on your phone and a Zoom meeting on your desktop,
while Google Fast Pair and Microsoft Swift Pair allow for a smooth
experience when connecting with multiple devices. The AKG N9 Hybrid
headphones connect via Bluetooth® with any Apple, Android, or
Windows device.
Hi-Res quality AKG sound
40mm dynamic drivers with Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) diaphragms
deliver wide-range detail and brilliant dynamic sound with ultralow
distortion and fast transient response. Bass is rich and precise,
vocals are clear and accurate, and the high notes are vividly lifelike. In
addition, the AKG N9 Hybrid headphones support Hi-Res Audio both
via the 3.5mm jack cable and wirelessly via BT. Thanks to the LDAC,
which ensures outstanding 24-bit high-performance sound, every detail
is in stunning definition, closer than ever to studio quality.
Immersive AKG Spatial Audio
Along with powerful AKG Reference Sound, the AKG N9 Hybrid
headphones turn any stereo content from any device into virtual
surround sound. The wide soundstage and detailed placement of the
instruments and vocals makes your favorite music feel even more
transportive, delivering a more detailed, realistic and immersive

True Adaptive Noise Cancelling with custom control
Use the top quality True Adaptive Noise Cancelling technology—which
is customizable through the App—to decide exactly how much of
the outside world you want to hear. With Auto Compensation, six
mics automatically detect environmental noise and make real-time
adjustments. Or you can manually select your preferred ANC level.
When you don’t want to interrupt your flow, tune out your surroundings
entirely with Noise Cancelling, which automatically adapts to the level
of noise around you.

Zoom certified superior call quality
4 virtual adaptive beamforming microphones (2 on each earcup)
constantly monitor the noise level of your environment, so your voice is
the only sound others will hear, on a phone call or a video conference.
AI machine learning intelligently suppresses ambient noise based on
your individual noise scenario. The hydrodynamic windproof design
significantly reduces distortion from air friction to give you crystalclear
calls, even outdoors. AKG N9 Hybrid headphones are Zoomcertified,
guaranteeing high-quality communication and full functional
compatibility with the leading video conferencing app. And the LED
indicator on the dongle lets you immediately know whether you are
muted or not.

Customizable call experience
Open the AKG Headphones app and use the voice setting to fine-tune
your voice for meetings, presentations, or even performances. You can
also use sound setting to add more bass or treble to other people’s
voices. A sound level optimizer adjusts the volume of others, so you’ll
never have to ask someone to speak up or tell them they’re talking too
loud. Finally, Voice Aware fine-tunes the amount of your own voice that
you hear when so speak, so you won’t disturb others by talking too
loudly in a crowded coffee shop or subway car.


General Specifications
` Power supply: 5V 1A
Audio Specifications
` Frequency response (Passive): 10 Hz - 40 kHz
` Frequency response (Active): 10 Hz - 40 kHz
` Microphone frequency response: 20 Hz - 16 kHz
` Impedance: 32 ohm
` Sensitivity: 98 dB SPL@1 kHz
` Maximum SPL: 95 dB
` Microphone sensitivity: -38 dBV/Pa@1 kHz
` Max input power: 30 mW
` Maximum operation temperature: 45°C
Control and Connection Specifications
` Bluetooth version: V5.3
` Bluetooth profile version: A2DP V1.4, AVRCP V1.6.2, HFP V1.8
` Bluetooth transmitter frequency range: 2.4 GHz - 2.4835 GHz
` Bluetooth transmitter power: <11 dBm
` Bluetooth transmitter modulation: GSFK π/4-DQPSK, 8DPSK
` 2.4GHz Wireless carrier frequency: 2.4 GHz – 2.4835 GHz
` 2.4GHz Wireless transmitter power: <9 dBm (EIRP)
` 2.4GHz Wireless modulation: GFSK
Dimension Specifications
` Driver size: 40 mm/1.57” Dynamic Driver
` Weight: 281 g/ 0.62 lbs
Battery Specifications
` Battery type: Lithium-ion battery (1050 mAh/ 3.8V)
` Charging time: 3 hrs from empty
` Music playtime with BT on and ANC off: Up to 100 hrs
` Music playtime with BT on and ANC on: Up to 55 hrs
` Music playtime with 2.4G on and ANC off: Up to 85 hrs
` Music playtime with 2.4G on and ANC on: Up to 45 hrs
` Music playtime with AUX and ANC on: Up to 40 hrs
` Talk time with ANC on (BT): Up to 35 hrs
` Talk time with ANC on (2.4G): Up to 30 hrs


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  • DMA 旺角星際城市門市 - 自取
  • DMA 灣仔電腦城門市 - 自取
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  • 信用卡 (VISA / MASTERCARD / 銀聯)
  • Apple Pay
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  • 微信支付
  • 八達通 Octopus (可享額外 2% 折扣) [指定產品/部份優惠產品例外]
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