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🫶🏻 寵愛媽咪 🫰🏻 母親節優惠 👩🏻‍🍼,尚餘
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會員專享優惠日,即將開始 🥳
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📍門市地點 : 旺角︱灣仔︱深水埗︱觀塘︱葵芳︱沙田 (點按了解詳情)

🫶🏻 寵愛媽咪 🫰🏻 母親節優惠 👩🏻‍🍼,尚餘
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
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會員專享優惠日,即將開始 🥳
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📍門市地點 : 旺角︱灣仔︱深水埗︱觀塘︱葵芳︱沙田 (點按了解詳情)

🫶🏻 寵愛媽咪 🫰🏻 母親節優惠 👩🏻‍🍼,尚餘
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
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2024-05-19T16:00:00.000+00:00截止 全店,購物滿 HK$1,500 送 $50 超市現金禮券 (每單一消費最多可獲得 3 張) <現金禮券只限經順豐出貨附送,門市自取不適用>

全店,網上購物消費滿 $250 即免順豐運費 (本地及澳門適用)

指定分類,購物滿 $300 以 PayMe / 八達通 (Octopus) / 銀行轉帳 / FPS轉數快 付款可享額外 2% 折扣 [指定產品/部份優惠產品例外]

全店,滿指定金額,只適用於指定送貨 / 取貨方式

{{shoplineProductReview.avg_score}} {{'product.product_review.stars' | translate}} | {{shoplineProductReview.total}} {{'product.product_review.reviews' | translate}}
{{amazonProductReview.avg_rating}} {{'product.product_review.stars' | translate}} | {{amazonProductReview.total_comment_count}} {{'product.product_review.reviews' | translate}}
{{ title.name_translations | translateModel }} : {{variationName[$index] | translateModel}}
一次最大商品購買數量限制為 99999



{{'products.quick_cart.out_of_number_hint'| translate}}

{{'product.preorder_limit.hint'| translate}}

每筆訂單限購 {{ product.max_order_quantity }} 件

現庫存只剩下 {{ quantityOfStock }} 件

The Bauerfeind Sports Achilles Support actively supports the ankle and Achilles tendon during training and competition with an anatomically shaped knitted fabric and innovative Achilles pad. The unparalleled support, breathability and durability relieve your ankle and Achilles Tendon to stay in the race for longer.

Don't let Achilles discomfort slow you down! With our brand new Achilles tendon support: Sports Achilles Support, you get protection for your ankle and Achilles tendon to reach the finish line. The Achilles Support aids you during longer and more intensive sports sessions, counteracts pain in the Achilles tendon with the Achilles pad and promotes a safe running feeling when in motion.

Achilles Tendon Relief
The Achilles pad encloses the Achilles tendon and together with the knit exerts a targeted massage during motion. Small nubs and two pressure points on the lower wing of the pad massage the area surrounding the tendon. This has an activating effect on the muscles and locally improves the metabolism to reduce swelling and edema. Due to perforations, the pad is light and breathable.

Different knitted zones promote proprioception with compression for improved sensorimotor feedback: the sports support relieves the ligament and tendon, ensures improved proprioception of the stabilizing muscles in the foot, improves joint coordination and helps prevent excessive strain.

Comfortable and Durable
3D Airknit® technology is lightweight, extra breathable and anatomically-contoured for a perfect fit. Comfort zones are incorporated for optimal wearing comfort. The seam on the front is offset to the side so that there is no friction under the foot or on the instep. Machine washable for durability and longevity of the brace.


  • 順豐智能櫃取件
  • 順豐服務中心取件
  • 順豐站取件
  • OK便利店取件 (經順豐速運)
  • 7-11便利店取件 (經順豐速運)
  • 香港住宅或工商地區直送 (經順豐速運)
  • 澳門地區 (經順豐速運)
  • DMAG - DMA X ENCORE X URBAN TECH 合作企劃店 觀塘駱駝漆門市 - 自取 <超市現金禮券只限經順豐出貨附送,門市自取不適用>
  • DMA 旺角星際城市門市 - 自取 <超市現金禮券只限經順豐出貨附送,門市自取不適用>
  • DMA 灣仔電腦城門市 - 自取 <超市現金禮券只限經順豐出貨附送,門市自取不適用>
  • DMA 深水埗高登門市 - 自取 <超市現金禮券只限經順豐出貨附送,門市自取不適用>
  • DMA 葵芳新都會門市 - 自取 <超市現金禮券只限經順豐出貨附送,門市自取不適用>
  • DMA 沙田新城市門市 - 自取 <超市現金禮券只限經順豐出貨附送,門市自取不適用>
  • URBAN TECH 旺角星際城市門市 - 自取 <超市現金禮券只限經順豐出貨附送,門市自取不適用>
  • URBAN TECH 灣仔電腦城門市 - 自取 <超市現金禮券只限經順豐出貨附送,門市自取不適用>
  • 不適用


  • 信用卡 (VISA / MASTERCARD / 銀聯)
  • Apple Pay
  • Google Pay
  • AlipayHK / 支付寶香港
  • 微信支付
  • 八達通 Octopus (可享額外 2% 折扣) [指定產品/部份優惠產品例外]
  • PayMe (可享額外 2% 折扣) [指定產品/部份優惠產品例外]
  • FPS 轉數快 / Tap & Go [QR Code] (可享額外 2% 折扣) [指定產品/部份優惠產品例外]
  • 銀行轉帳 / ATM / FPS 轉數快 (可享額外 2% 折扣) [指定產品/部份優惠產品例外]
  • GIFT CARD ( 使用 1 張 及 沒需付尾數 請選擇此項 )
  • GIFT CARD ( 使用 2 張 或 以上 請選擇此項 ) < 每個訂單最多使用 3 張 >
{{'product.product_review.no_review' | translate}}