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寵愛媽咪 🫶🏻 母親節優惠,尚餘
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📍門市地點 : 旺角︱灣仔︱深水埗︱觀塘︱葵芳︱沙田 (點按了解詳情)

寵愛媽咪 🫶🏻 母親節優惠,尚餘
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📍門市地點 : 旺角︱灣仔︱深水埗︱觀塘︱葵芳︱沙田 (點按了解詳情)

寵愛媽咪 🫶🏻 母親節優惠,尚餘
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COROS VERTIX 2s GPS Adventure Watch 戶外探險錶

COROS VERTIX 2s GPS Adventure Watch 戶外探險錶

2024-05-19T16:00:00.000+00:00截止 全店,購物滿 HK$1,500 送 $50 超市現金禮券 (每單一消費最多可獲得 3 張) <現金禮券只限經順豐出貨附送,門市自取不適用>

全店,網上購物消費滿 $250 即免順豐運費 (本地及澳門適用)

指定分類,購物滿 $300 以 PayMe / 八達通 (Octopus) / 銀行轉帳 / FPS轉數快 付款可享額外 2% 折扣 [指定產品/部份優惠產品例外]

全店,滿指定金額,只適用於指定送貨 / 取貨方式

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一次最大商品購買數量限制為 99999



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  • All-new GPS system with dual-frequency satellite tracking
  • Extended battery life for weeks of continuous training
  • Next-generation optical heart rate sensor
  • 10 ATM water resistance for open water activities
  • Advanced global offline maps with turn-by-turn directions
  • Always-on 1.4" sapphire touchscreen and titanium bezel
  • Backed by the COROS training system to achieve your goals
  • Wide range of activity modes and third-party integrations
  • Two watchbands and one charging cable are included

COROS VERTIX 2S is built for adventure and helps athletes conquer rugged terrain, extreme conditions, and multi-day adventures.

The COROS VERTIX 2S builds on the brand's flagship watch, offering incredibly long GPS battery life, pinpoint GPS accuracy, durability, and all of the features that users love about the previous VERTIX 2. This hardware upgrade includes their most accurate wrist-based heart rate sensor, 118 hours of continuous GPS battery with 48 days of Daily Use, and innovative new software that gives COROS users unmatched GPS accuracy for outdoor climbing.

Durability Meets Elegance
Capable of withstanding 10 atmospheres below or operating in no atmosphere at all, the new COROS VERTIX 2S Earth, Moon, and Space editions celebrate mankind’s never-ending spirit of adventure in the most challenging environments. Each style features a stunning new watch face design depicting its name, and in a first for VERTIX series watches, both the rugged silicone and lightweight nylon bands in matching colors are included in the box

COROS Most Accurate Wrist-Based Heart Rate
Accurate data is critical for all athletes. Heart rate and GPS are the two most important data inputs that can help athletes gain insights into how they are training, recovering, and increasing fitness. COROS VERTIX 2S has COROS' latest 5-LED and 4-photodetector optical heart rate sensor to accurately monitor heart rate during exercise and for daily wear.

Unmatched Climbing GPS Accuracy
Even with dual-frequency, accurate GPS tracking for climbers tackling steep walls, chimneys, or off-width cracks has been a challenge for all GPS watch brands. COROShas taken a significant step forward in solving this problem with an optimized GPS algorithm for Outdoor Climb mode.

An adventure by definition is an exciting experience. With the VERTIX 2s GPS Adventure Watch, COROS brings you bold innovations as well as unimaginable advancements to existing features - all so you can conquer exciting new challenges you maybe haven’t even thought of yet. No matter where your pursuits take you – the VERTIX 2s, will be there every step of the way.

The VERTIX 2s can talk to all five major satellite systems (GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, QZSS, and Beidou) at the same time with new Satellite chipset configuration. It's Dual Frequency satellite communication is now upgraded with new designed antenna construction for an even express lane for a faster, better signal compare to Vertix 2.

VERTIX 2s brings huge improvements to GPS plotting when navigating between tall buildings, deep within the forest, or alongside rock walls, which have been considered an accuracy challenge for previous generations of GPS watches.

COROS 繼去年9月推出「輕量級之王」Pace 3 後,反應空前熱烈,事隔8個月再迎來好消息,推出品牌旗艦級 #攀山 #探險 #越野手錶 升級版 Vertix 2s ,於外觀、功能、硬件軟件、重量作多方面升級,勢為一眾用家帶來全新的體驗。

Vertix 2s 是升級版,比起Vertix2 確實於多方面進行改革,小編總結以下八大重點,令大家更容易方便了解!

⬆️升級一 : 升級心率感應器 - 由上一代3顆LED提升至4夥,光感測器由1個增加至4個,大大提高手錶偵測心率的準確性,同時亦保留原有的血氧監測功能,照顧用家多方面需要。
⬆️升級二: 全新雙頻晶片升級 - 雙頻晶片重新設計天線接收器,令衛星定位精準度由頂級再提昇致頂頂級,於訊號微弱的高山,大樓之處,定位也能保持高度準確。
⬆️升級三: 軟件功能升級 - 加入多項日常監測功能,例如睡眠追蹤及日常壓力監測,GPS模式仍保持118小時驚人續航力,日常使用亦長達46日。
⬆️升級四: 升級錶面及顯示屏 - 採用鈦合金- 高強度聚合物 (High Strength Polymer) 配合PVD鍍膜設計,令手錶更堅硬及耐磨,而MIP觸控屏幕,減低電量消秏及視覺疲倦,畫面轉換更流暢。
⬆️升級五: 重量2克微調,多送尼龍手帶更換 - 比上一代輕2g,配以矽膠帶重87克,配尼龍帶重70g,隨盒附送2款錶帶供用家選擇
⬆️升級六: 充電時間 - 由 Vertix 2 的兩小時,加速25% 致 1.5小時。
⬆️升級七: 之前Vertix 2 除盒附送一條矽膠錶帶,而Vertix 2S 就多送一條價值 $299 尼龍快拆錶帶俾用家隨時更換。
⬆️升級八: 是次Vertix 2s,成套包裝盒比 V2輕便一半,包裝物料亦更改為環保物料可以循環再用 Vertix 2s

產品資料: 重量: 87克 (矽膠帶) / 70克 (尼龍帶)

錶面材質:藍寶石玻璃錶面 電量:118小時(GPS 模式)、73 小時(全開 5 星 GPS 模式)、43 小時(全開 5 星+雙頻 GPS 模式)、46 日(日常使用)、36日 ( 日常使用 + 睡眠追蹤 )
防水:100 米
晶片:升級雙頻 GNSS 晶片 



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