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[陳列品] Erzetich Deimos V2023 A類耳擴

[陳列品] Erzetich Deimos V2023 A類耳擴

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Product Features

We wanted to go beyond anything we have ever aspired to before and build a premium amp that really stands out. From the point of electronics, sound and design, we wanted prestige. The project was developed under the codename POS – Perfidus on Steroids, and given the uber-powerful performance the Deimos delivers, the description could not be more fitting.

The new strategies we adopted for the development of the Deimos proved to be most important, none moreso than creating space. We wanted to have a bit more “air” inside the box for various technical reasons. The design also had to be eye-candy and make an impact to compliment what is waiting inside so we built a sleek aluminum and tinplate chassis with a front panel handcrafted from artificially aged linden wood.

The analogue core is based on the Perfidus’ design but has been given improvements, tweaks and pimps. We even added a digital volume control and linear display to give the amp a little 21st Century chic. Merging the digital and analogue elements together proved to be trickier than we anticipated, but we are happy that the results turned out exceptionally well in the end. And what can be more evil than Perfidus? Deimos, of course.

General Specification

Headphone impedance: 8-600 ohm
Frequency response: 4 Hz-40 kHz, -1dB
Power consumption: 15 W
Power supply input voltage: 230 V/50 Hz or 115 V/60 Hz
Dimensions (W x H x D): 320 mm x 125 mm x 330 mm
Weight: 6200 g
Character: Natural and wide with a fast note


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